Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Helpful tips for the holidays

If you are like me, you have yourself going in several different directions about now.  Getting ready for Christmas meals can be really easy, but you have to think ahead!  I will be posting some helpful hints that work for me during the next few days. I hope this helps!

Another benefit - grocery stores have lots of specials now - if you know what you plan to serve you can buy when prices are more affordable.  That means more money for presents!!

1- Plan a cooking schedule for yourself. Take note of dishes that can be made a day or two ahead, those that can be frozen, and those that need to be cooked at the last minute.

2- Go through the refrig­erator and pantry to check what you already have. Then, write down a list of all the ingredients you still need and decide when you need to shop. Purchase frozen turkeys no sooner than a week beforehand and fresh turkeys a day or two prior. Make sure you have all the necessary cooking utensils and equipment.

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